10 Writing Prompts for Urban Fantasy
Urban fantasy is one of my favourite genres and my next middle grade novel is such a beast. Often, the hardest part of writing a book is getting started in the first place. Here are ten prompts to get your creative juices flowing!
Creating in Spite of Self-Doubt
Every writer I know, including myself, has anxiety and self-doubt about their creative efforts. When I went into it further, I found that it’s the curse of the creative classes.
The Best Laid Plans
Productivity advice is just advice. And sometimes the real world has its way with me, chaos is my wingman and it’s okay to take a deep breath and say “No one is going to die if this isn’t done this week.”
Writing Books for Kids: Pros, Cons and Making a Living
Writing children’s books can be a rewarding and fulfilling career path, but it’s not without its challenges and misconceptions.
How to Say No
I’m deep into edits for my third middle grade novel (release sate May 1, 2025) and working on finalizing the first draft of a new adult paranormal series. When writing my previous two books, I learned that the secret to success
Johannes Gutenberg Great +++ Grandfather of Publishing
Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the movable type printing press made our modern Western societies possible. Before 1440, fewer than 30% of adults were literate and the written word was produced by the few for the few. Ideas, information and knowledge were tightly controlled by the ruling elitethe church and the nobility.