
“A deftly crafted and thoroughly fun read … especially and unreservedly recommended for elementary school, middle school, and community library Fantasy Fiction collections.” —MBR Midwest Book Review


In Praise of Libraries

Libraries provide a valuable community service! Visit your local public library soon.

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Fame, Family, and Fascism

They were the Kardashians of the 1920’s. The Bright Young Things, as they were known, were the younger sons and daughters of the aristocracy and middle-class people climbing the social ladder.

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The Gifts of Alchemy

Dee is fascinated by alchemy because he focuses on its quest to find the formula to transmute base metals into gold. He needs the gold to continue his search for his missing parents.

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Lady Tan’s Circle of Women

Lisa See’s Lady Tan’s Circle of Women is a mesmerizing tale set in Imperial China during the late 15th and early 16th centuries. The novel explores the themes of women empowerment, medicine, and the mind-body connection.

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Lessons in Chemistry

A captivating novel that takes you on a journey back to the 1950s and 60s, a time when women were not encouraged to pursue careers in science. Elizabeth Zott is a fierce and intelligent woman determined to become a chemist despite the societal norms that say otherwise.

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Untold War Tales: The Lipstick Bureau

A striking historical fiction novel that brings to light the untold tales of women who worked for the OSS (predecessor to the CIA) in World War II. Based on real-life events, this novel illuminates the heroic efforts of women during a time when they were often marginalized and overlooked.

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Johannes Gutenberg Great +++ Grandfather of Publishing

Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the movable type printing press made our modern Western societies possible. Before 1440, fewer than 30% of adults were literate and the written word was produced by the few for the few. Ideas, information and knowledge were tightly controlled by the ruling elitethe church and the nobility.

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